Sunday 4 January 2009

Sunday 4 January 2009 - Redhill / Oxford Falls

It was getting a little hot out there today, but still ok for riding (we wouldn't have wanted to do a big one though...).

Matt was keen to get back to our roots and do a Redhill / Oxford Falls loop, and so we met at the Academy of Sport at 6.45am (with the stragglers arriving shortly thereafter... you know who you are!).

Matt was joined by Mark (a rider in a previous era, warming up for the mountains to the Sea ride in March), Whisperer (heck, a ride for entertainment and not training, whatever is the world coming to?), Nicole and Stephe. Photo shows Nic, Matt, Stephe, Whisperer and Mark (and this is the *good* group photo, so it's a bit scary just how bad the photographer is, or perhaps it's just that they're an un-photogenic bunch!):

After some quick silliness at Red Rock (on the climb out of the car park - Whisperer and Matt showing the way), we were off on a bit of riding... (Nic, Mark, Whisperer and Matt respectively):

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective - although it's clear why some think this is a bit more of a walk than a ride), we also did a bit of playing on the technical section of the Redhill rocks and other points along the way - but it was still fun - and we can always do a "real ride" next week, eh...

Full set of photos (such as they are, Doug's absence continues to trouble us!) are up here.


At Monday, 05 January, 2009, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the invitation guys, appreciated!! Ill hopefully make it out again real soon :)


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