Sunday 30 July 2006

Sunday 23 July 2006 - Manly Dam and Forestville

Following a very wet and miserable week, and a fairly sad and sorry Saturday, we were none too hopeful of a decent ride on Sunday... Celia had pulled out of the Old Great North Road, and the general consensus was that we should just do a local ride, and get it over and done with...

However, we were pleasantly suprised!

Whisperer, T-Bone, Brian and Stephe (where was everyone else, you may well ask) arrived at the Old Folks Home in Forestville at 6.45am, and cruised over to Manly Dam, via the pipeline entrance.

It was wet, sandy and you could feel the wear and tear on the bikes. But it was fun, and we seemed to be in fair form.

Thinking it might be a better option, we then rode up to the top of the Dam to Wakehurst Parkway and took the singles track down to Woodcutters Reserve (?), at Bantry Bay. Essentially, riding down 1,287,367 stairs. Interesting, at times entertaining, but not really an experience worth repeating...

We then rode along the track around Bantry Bay with lots of carrying of bikes, until we joined up with the Natural Bridge Track at the top of the Bluff Track (all names subject to confirmation by someone who actually remembers what they were called).

There was some good riding in amongst it, but mainly a day of tooling around in wet sandy conditions - and with at least a couple of nasty injuries to plague the following work week.

No photos, no GPS, no nuthin'! (come back Doug, we're missing you bad!)


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