Sunday 15 October 2006

Sunday 15 October 2006 - Mooney

[ed: awaiting a ride report from Brian - some excerpts below from the email while we're waiting!]

From Doug:

so joe didn't make it

richard broke a chain, I broke a derailleur cable and crashed and bled, brian bent a hanger

it was one of those days at mooney

From: Joe Tang

Sorry for having to hang around this morning for me. I'll make sure I sleep with all my riding gear on next time.

Had a truly epic adventure with leaving my shoes at home, turning around to get them, heading off again, taking the correct exit off the f3 but then getting very very lost after that.

What I discovered about an hour later and about a dozen u turns is that there are two peats ridge exits.

This confused a simple minded soul such as me.

Anyway three hours of driving later I'm home and the bike is untouched. I'm off to buy a street directory!

Full set of photos and videos here. Some samples below, including this movie of Brian 'making' the famed creek crossing (although your editor confesses to liking this one much better)... (caution, large (8MB) files).

Here is the GPS track set up to load in Google Maps, and if you want the Google Earth version I assume you can use the same link and will know how to (let me know if you can't!).

The team (Ed, Brian, Richard, Rees and Doug):

And, clearly 'helping' Richard with a broken chain:


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